Tourist Guide Request Form

Produced by a voluntary committee, now in its 47th edition, is the oldest and best-known project organized by JCI Galway. Up to sixty thousand copies of this guide are distributed locally, nationally and internationally each year since 1962.

Order JCI Galway Tourist Guides  

JCI Galway (Junior Chamber International Galway) through its activities, it provides unique personal development opportunities for its members while at the same time contributing to the economic, social and cultural development of the community. The Galway Tourist Guide launched in July 1962, promoting Galway City & County for decades and continues to the future for the local community. 

Please note that a fee of 20 euro for each order of up to 150 guides is charged to all non-advertisers.

To advertise in the JCI Galway Tourist Guide 2021, please email us with your Name, Address, Number and choose the following: 

• Full Page
• Half Page
• Quarter Page
• Mention (text only, 3 lines max) 

Email Address:

JCI Galway
P: 087 957 3606